Answers to commonly asked questions about alumni contributions.

Yes, several alumni each year donate stock/securities to the LAA. [Note that there are special tax advantages involved in donating appreciated stock/securities.] To donate stock/securities, have them transferred to the following account:

Lowell Alumni Association

Account number 5083-2902

Charles Schwab & Co.

IS Document Control

PO Box 982600

El Paso, TX 79998-2600

Additionally, the DTC (Depository Trust Company) number for such transfers is 0164 and, if asked, the code number is 40.

You should also be sure to contact the Lowell Alumni Association, at (415) 759-7830 or lowellaa@lowellalumni.org, to let us know that you have made a transfer, in order to assure appropriate acknowledgment for your donation.

If you would like to learn about other giving opportunities, please contact the LAA at lowellaa@lowellalumni.org.